Dress: For Love & Lemons, Shoes: Steve Madden (Mine are out of stock, but these ones are a close match!) 

Take a deep breath and read these next few words carefully…

“Remember when you wanted what you currently have?”

Just think about that statement for a minute. Go ahead, take some time to really let that soak in.

I find it incredible with how much truth lies behind this message. Looking back on our lives, we are always wanting something. Whether it be a brand new car, a good job, or even just someone to love us, we are always wanting.

If this statement doesn’t make you burst into a happy dance, what are doing with your life?

Look at how far you have come and all of the things that you never thought were possible. I’m quite sure that you have achieved, the impossible at least 5 times and that you will continue to do so.

Never in my life did I think I would have the courage or ability to be what I am today. I was never a “strong” person; not mentally and sure as heck not physically. Now I consider myself to be both of these things because I simply wanted to be. I always wanted to graduate from college but never in my lifetime did I think I would be at twenty-years-old. 

With that being said, I challenge yourself to be fearless, determined, and to get what you want.

Happy Saturday friends!


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