Hello Friends!

“And suddenly you know… It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.”

I’m starting this week with some exciting news. It makes me feel refreshed and very motivated. Before I jump into our big news,  I’d like to share our trip to Colorado.  The trip was not what we expected—and I mean that in the best possible way. Gifts come in interesting packages! LOL!

I’m not even going to make it sound better than it was. Our trip started off kinda rocky… it definitely felt like there was a storm cloud hovering over Bryce and I.

(Picture Eeyore in Winnie the Pooh with the little dark rain cloud).

We ran into car problems an hour outside of our destination in the middle of a crazy snowfall. Which then, caused us to take a ridiculous amount of Ubers to get places. I almost fainted during a college tour (what in the world). We ended up booking a hotel aka The Bates Motel in Colorado Springs (yes, it was that scary), and Bryce’s ankle swelled up on a hike. Life delivered lemon after lemon. It was a lot, and it felt like nothing could go right at the moment.

Never in my life would I have ever thought that so many wrongs would result in so many rights. This trip of unfortunate events will be one that I will cherish forever.

“Sometimes when things seem to be going wrong, they are going right for reasons you are yet to understand.”  -Alan Cohen

People tend to remember negative events longer than positive ones, but rarely do they reflect on what they had to go through in order to break free from the setbacks. I will never forget how Bryce and I got through these obstacles, what it did to our relationship, and how prepared we are to overcome future situations. These are all positives we gained from Colorado and probably wouldn’t have received them if we didn’t go through some hard times. Difficulties show you what you’re made of and how you work together.  I’m very lucky because we support each other and want the best for each other so it makes things so much easier when things don’t go as planned.  We are on the same page and most importantly on the same team.

Everything did work out.

  • We stumbled upon a very cute coffee shop in Colorado Springs after our scary hotel disaster. A man at the shop even offered up his table to us, because he could see that we were a little distressed.
  • We laugh every time we think about where we could have stayed.
  • Bryce’s mom helped us relocate to not only a safe hotel but a beautiful one
  • We had an amazing time hiking and exploring the majestic mountains of Colorado.
  • Enjoyed amazing doughnuts from Voodoo.
  • There was a car repair shop on the same street as where we were staying.
  • Spent time with my family at one of our favorite restaurants outside of Denver.
  • Laughed at each other’s dance moves to make the car rides more fun.
  • Went to the Oasis in Kansas…. Bryce and I will never ever forget this place.
  • Had the time to talk and weigh all the pros and cons of each graduate school

Most importantly–we made a huge decision that had been weighing on us for a while. 

Bryce is going to KSTATE for grad school and WE ARE MOVING TO MANHATTAN, KANSAS.

Flannel Similar | T-shirt | Leggings | Boots | Sunglasses | Hat | Sweater 


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