Hey Friends! I’m still here but as you know if you follow me on Instagram, I’m traveling all summer. I thought you might need a break from all the destination posts. So I wanted to share something simple but equally as special to me. Let’s jump into this quick little story-time.

I am obsessed with stickers.

There I said it! That’s my story.

I’m just kidding (kinda). The only time I buy a sticker is when I go somewhere new in the world. It’s my form of a Christmas ornament, magnet, snow globe, shot glass, travel tchotchke…etc. Stickers are great because they are small and not easily broken. I can pick one up while I’m sightseeing and just chuck it in my purse — not having to think twice about it until I go home. It’s absolutely wonderful and affordable.

Sophomore year of college, I began collecting stickers from every place I visited. If I would have started earlier and made it part of my “must-grab” traveling expense, I would be able to consider myself sticker girl bougie (ya, but I didn’t– so here I am planning new places to travel and increasing my collection).

With the compilation of stickers I have accumulated, I began thinking, “What the heck am I going to do with these?” I couldn’t possibly put them all on a snowboard or on a bulletin board as they probably would begin to look pretty cluttered which isn’t my aesthetic. It dawned on me that I needed a TRUNK. My inspiration was the Louis Vuitton trunks that I spied in New York in their glorious store window. Of course your girl doesn’t have that kind of cash flow ….. next best thing, a trip to the thrift store.

So the first person I shared my idea to display stickers on a trunk was the thrift store goddess… my mom. She literally found exactly what I was looking for at Savers (on Barry Road) … two days later. This is why she has earned the name thrift store goddess. The trunk looks like it belonged to a band or a musician back in the day. It definitely has that old rocker feel with the washed out gold hardware and black exterior. It even came with a Nine Inch Nails sticker on it which I have never taken off. Its a tribute to its previous life.

PSA most thrift stores carry old trunks. So if you are interested, I would just keep your eyes peeled for exactly what you are looking for.  We were at Savers in Kansas City yesterday and there was a navy trunk very similar to mine for $7.99. Such a find!

Throughout college, my trunk was storage for all my sorority shirts and memorabilia. When I unpacked it for Senior Sendoffs, over 150 items came out of it that had been passed down or gifted to me.  It was a lot of fun being able to give each member of my sorority a little goodie bag at Send Offs. The trunk holds a lot…not just things but memories for me.

Now that I’m adulting, the trunk will follow me to my big girl apartment with Bryce.  We haven’t decided if it is going be placed at the end of our bed for storage of blankets, heavy sweatshirts that jam up drawers, or winter gear. We talked about it even being displayed in the living room as a coffee table.

Wherever we place the trunk, it will display my love for travel and the memories each place holds deep in my heart. So get out there thrifty girl and find a trunk of your own.  It’s a purchase you won’t regret!

Outfit Details:  Click on the Links

Wrap Shirt-For Love and Lemons


Sandals-Steve Madden



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