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I have been wanting to share a snack/dessert that I have been eating all summer long. It’s perfect for an after pool snack and literally involves TWO ingredients. It doesn’t involve any baking either (yaaaasssss gurl). 

These are the “creme de la creme” almond butter filled dates. Don’t let the dates push you away though. These taste just like the inside of a Snickers chocolate bar. It’s a fabulous alternative to all of the sweets that come along with summer. Bryce and I can devour at least 10 halves in like 2 minutes which is umm….a little concerning. 

Here’s What You Will Need:

  • Dates with the pits still in them. I buy mine from Aldi’s because they are $5 for a pretty good amount.
  • Almond Butter. Any almond butter will work for this but I recommend Justin’s Vanilla Almond Butter. If you don’t want to pay the hefty price for the tub, buy the “to-go” packets of almond butter. They are around a dollar a piece and three packets will get the job done easily.

Cooking Instructions:

  1. Take one date at a time and cut it in half.
  2. Remove the pit from the date. You now have two halves with a pocket for your almond butter.
  3. Once you have cut and pitted all of your dates, spread a small portion in each pocket. You won’t need much to fill each half.
  4. In a container, start laying the halves out. When you run out of room, use wax paper to separate the layers so you can build on top of each other.
  5. Freeze for at least 3 hours.
  6. Make sure to put them back in the freezer when you store them. They taste 200% times better frozen.
  7. Try eating just one… and not going back for more… I triple dog dare you.

I hope you give my latest addiction a go! If you do, comment down below what you thought of them. I always love hearing from you guys! Hope you are having a wonderful summer.

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