DIY Spooky Halloween Wreath


They’re creepy and they’re kooky, mysterious and spooky, they’re altogether ooky, a Hall-o-ween Wreath. You see them everywhere from Walmart to Michael’s Craft Store; everyone has a version of a Halloween wreath. Depending on your vibe and your budget you may fall into the same category as myself. I couldn’t afford the wreath I really loved so I made it myself for way less. 

Inspiration always starts on Pinterest. While I was sucked into the Pinterest door decor hole, I stumbled upon a website called Grandin Road. Pure Halloween eye candy but it came at a hefty price unfortunately. The wreath I loved was all black, elegant yet had a spooky element. It’s called the Midnight Raven Wreath and will cost you $169. I couldn’t justify the amount for a wreath made of solid gold. So, off to the craft store/ hardware store I went.


  • Black flat spray paint. (I use Krylon at $4 a can)
  • Grapevine wreath ($6.29 JoAnn’s order online/picked up in store)
  • Drapery flowers (Michaels $2.99/ 4 stems)
  • 1 crow (4.99 Michaels)
  • Black 1.5 inch ribbon (Amazon)
  • Hot glue


  1. Purchasing Halloween themed, all-black floral stems and black wreaths quickly doubles and triples the price of your door decor. I spray painted both the floral stems and my grapevine wreath. My floral stems were pink when I bought them. I found the cheapest stems and covered them with black spray paint. My wreath was a natural brown grapevine wreath. They come in all sizes and shapes. I recommend using a primer on the wreath to make paint stick better. Most spray paints include primer.
  2. While pieces were drying, I tied my bow to the center of the wreath. You can tie the bow directly to the wreath or wire it in place. 
  3. I find it easiest to arrange my wreath on a wall hook. Working flat on wreaths changes how items drape or hang. I used the hook on the back of my door that usually holds Sky’s leash to hang and decorate my wreath. 
  4. Start placing floral pieces around each side of the bow. If you place a stem on one side of the bow then you repeat placement on the other side of the bow. Symmetry is key. Hot glue works for securing stems or wrapping wire will secure them as well. 
  5. Finishing touch is a crow on the wreath. You could put an owl, a rat, a bat, or whatever spooky item you find. The dollar store had large spiders.

I’m such a fan of the all black wreath on my white door. It pops! I also really like using items that look real or natural like a grapevine wreath made from sticks. I hope this blog post encourages you to create your own wreath welcoming your guests. Share your photos with me, I love seeing what you create. Stay spooky!

Until next time, Spread Kindness. 



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