Hi Loves,
I am so excited to share this DIY with ya’ll! I was shopping at Anthropolgie in Chicago when I stumbled upon these present toppers. I fell in love with how they looked, but could not get myself to play $20 per one. They are still available on the Anthropologie website listed as Bundle of Cheer Mini Citrus Bouquet, for $14 on sale.

I came back from my Chicago trip determined to make my own for less. I gathered craft cinnamon sticks from Hobby Lobby, oranges, twine, ribbon, wire cutters and old bits of leftover greenery. Here is how I made them:

Step #1
Grab a bundle of cinnamon sticks. I used around 3 or 4 of them depending on how thick I wanted. Wrap twine, ribbon, hemp, string, or embroidery floss around the grouping of sticks. Use hot glue to secure your thread ends.

Step #2
Grab your dried fruit of choice. I used oranges. With scissors, stab a small hole where you want your string to go. For a layered look, I held my orange slices exactly how I wanted them to lay and then stabbed through both of them at the same time. At the bottom of this blog, is the recipe I used for drying out your citrus.

Step #3
Thread your string through the orange slice and wrap or knot around the bundle of cinnamon sticks.

Step #4
Add littles pieces of greenery. To keep everything tacked down and sturdy, I used hot glue to attach the pieces. You can also push your greenery stems through the ribbon or twine if you do not have hot glue.

This present topper can also be used on a wreath!

It’s fun to get creative! I used a variety of cinnamon stack sizes and all different types of greenery and ribbon. Not only do they look so cute and nostalgic, but they also smell awesome.

Be a little extra this year! As always, if you make your own version of these, I would love to see. Tag me in your instagram posts or comment below.
Until next time, Spread Kindness.
Dried Citrus Recipe
- Cut citrus into thin pieces.
- Blot with paper towels and leave overnight and next day. The longer you let them dry out, the better.
- Place in the oven at 200 degrees for 2 1/2 hours. Check periodically to make sure they don’t burn.
- Flip batch over every hour.
- Pull out of oven once they start to look a little crispy and feel dry.
- Continue to let them air dry so more moisture comes out.
- Use when completely dry.

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